the first year

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The first year comes with many questions - your midwife comes with answers

From day one, the baby faces many developmental challenges and the world presents itself in all its intensity. Everything is new for the young child. Most of it is familiar to the parents, so they can give their little one support and security on the child’s journey of discovery. Only one thing is completely new for them too: they are accompanying this child for the first time. As a result, completely new questions arise again and again – about changes in breastfeeding, resuming work or sport, contraception and much more. It is therefore a reassuring feeling throughout the first year of life to be able to ask a midwife for advice.

How fast does a baby grow?
How well does a baby see?
Our baby is cross-eyed – is that normal?
Our baby laughs at me – does it recognise me?
When does a baby have a day-night rhythm?
Our baby cries a lot – is that normal?
How often should my baby pass stool or urine?
When will the baby be able to hold its head?
Does the baby keep its hair?
Why does our baby put everything in her mouth?
When will the first tooth appear?
What is stranger anxiety?
When can my baby start sitting?
When should the baby sleep in his own bed?

A challenging journey through the first year ...

Being a parent is a responsible task and brings major changes to your life. Now you have to set different priorities, adapt your life rhythm to the changed circumstances and come to terms with new sleeping habits. Many are also confronted with fears that were previously unknown and experience themselves in a completely new role.

Midwives support parents and siblings during this time, which is often associated with uncertainty: most of the questions that arise can hardly be answered in general terms, but must be clarified individually. The costs for midwife care in the first few weeks after delivery are covered by health insurance.

Calming a crying baby

Crying is the baby’s form of verbal communication and like a “language on its own”. But what does the baby want to tell us? How much crying is normal? And what can I do to calm my crying baby?

Sleep, baby, sleep

Sleep is paramount for a healthy development. Receiving information on bedtime routines or the characteristics of baby sleep can help parents to better understand their baby’s behavior in periods of sleeping or being awake. What’s a good sleep pattern for babies? What can you do if your baby won’t sleep? How does a safe sleep environment look life for a newborn?

Weaning, diet and growth

Feeding the baby and its weight and length development are central issues during the first year: Does the baby gain enough weight? How much should it drink a day? What are growth spurts?

Baby care, changing nappies, digestion

What is to consider if you cut your baby’s nails? What should you think of when bathing your baby? What do you need to know about dry skin, cradle caps,…?

Normal bowel function is an important sign for your baby’s well-being. How often should my baby pass stool or urine? What can I do if my baby suffers from colics or painful winds? How often do I have to change the nappy? What should be considered when changing the nappy?

Carrying a baby, child-safety seats, having a baby on board

How much carrying is healthy? How do I carry a baby correctly? Which baby carriers are recommendable? Which body positions are good for the baby’s development? Which safety seat works for which age group/size/weight? Which effects do baby swings have on the baby’s spine?

Clothes and protection

Which clothes are apt for the season and climate? How can I protect my child from the sun or the cold?

Where can I find midwife counselling for the first year?

  • as part of your midwife’s home visits
  • in a midwife’s practice, walk-in clinics
  • in centres for parents and children, advisory centres for parents
  • in breastfeeding groups/consultation hours
  • at lectures on relevant topics, e.g. online, by your health insurance, …
  • by calling midwife hotlines

Baby trends:

  • As in every other part of life, living with a baby is an area where new trends keep emerging – some of them good and useful, some unnecessary or even detrimental.
    Midwives offer orientation and help you with their expertise to come to the right decision for your individual family situation.

    Examples for recent baby trends:

    • Elimincation communication method
    • Baby Led Weaning
    • Baby carriers
    • Reusable nappies
    • White noise baby apps
    • Smart nappies
    • Co-Sleeping

    … and many more


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