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Midwifery = experience + science

What does a midwife do?

And why is receiving midwifery care a good choice?

Midwifery is one of the oldest professions and an essential part of our health system as well as a service of the health insurance.

Midwives offer evidence-based care and can draw on a wealth of experience. Their tool box embraces numerous diagnostic procedures ranging from well-established manual maneuvers to the use of technical equipment.

Determining the baby’s position by palpating the mother’s abdomen is equally part of the art of midwifery as monitoring the fetal heart rate with ultrasound-based devices. Midwives contribute greatly to an ideal care of women who are pregnant, giving birth or experiencing their postpartum period Midwives work self-dependently as well as in close cooperation with other professions.

Midwives are where they are needed

The scope of midwifery care is varied and comprehensive. Midwives work in different hospital wards, e.g. the labour ward, the post-partum unit, the gynaecological out-patient department or in fertility clinics.

Many midwives work self-employed in midwife’s practices or birth centres, as homebirth midwife or family midwive. In addition, midwives often offer antenatal or postpartum classes and do home visits before and after birth.

>> Midwife search: your near-by midwife is just a few clicks away!

Other professional areas where midwives offer their expertise include running workshops in schools or Eltern-Kind-Zentren (places with specific offers centering on the needs of parents and children) or teaching and researching at Universities of Applied Sciences. Midwives also advocate for mothers and children in the realm of health policy and adhere to the International Code of Ethics.


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