Birth in hospital

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The majority of women in Austria give birth in a hospital.

Reasons for and against the hospital as place of birth can be found below – the midwife of your choice can help you to make the decision best for you, considering your individual wishes and needs.

Reasons for giving birth in a hospital are for example:

  • the availability of certain medical procedures/options
  • the close collaboration among midwives and other professions
  • the proximity to your place of living
  • a lack of alternatives near-by
  • a hospital’s good reputation

Reasons for another place of birth could be:

  • the frequent change of caregivers due to a shift system in hospital
  • routine interventions such as the preventative use of an iv cannula

For high-risk pregnancies the hospital is definitely the best choice. In case of complications it is essential to have closer medical monitoring and often diagnostic procedures and treatments that are restricted to a hospital environment.

Having given birth in hospital, most women stay for a few days at the postpartum unit before leaving for home.

An alternative is:

the ambulant birth (walk-in birth)

If the birth took place without complications and if the newborn and the mother are feeling alright, there is the possibility of an ambulant birth. This means that the mother and her baby  leave hospital already a few hours after birth.

They are then cared for by a midwife who visits them at home regularly – at the beginning every day and later in regular intervals, to make sure that the physical and mental adaptations go well and to answer emerging questions. If you consider this option, it is paramount to contact a  midwife, who offers postpartum visits as early as possible.


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