Home birth

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Giving birth at home in a cosy atmosphere

In case of a low-risk history and pregnancy, giving birth at home is an option. Some women prefer their own familiar surroundings to give birth. Without disturbance of other patients or changing staff they can experience labour fully focused and at ease in their own place. The midwife supports them and makes sure that the birth at home is and stays safe by always having an eye on the process and having in mind potential pathologies that could occur.  

If you want to give birth at home,

midwifery care begins early in pregnancy and ends in the weeks following birth. The home visits before birth offer the opportunity to provide comprehensive care for the pregnant woman and her family, observe the medical aspects, suggest health-promoting measures and discuss all issues relating to the home birth and prepare well for the subsequent postpartum period. The individual one-to-one care provided by the midwife, who will be solely responsible for the home birth, ensures a successful birth at home (and a safe transfer to hospital should this be necessary). The midwife will provide you with support whenever you need it, involve your partner if you both wish, and always pay attention to the child’s well-being.

Contact your preferred midwife as soon as possible

Your midwife provides detailed information about:

  • necessary conditions for a home birth
  • her services as a midwife before, during and after the home birth
  • the process of a home birth
  • midwifery care of mother and baby after the birth
  • costs (those covered by the health insurance and others that may have to be paid
    for privately)

Your midwife will be your main caregiver in pregnancy, during delivery and in the postpartum period.


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